
Eastern Screech Owl, Dec 2016

Found this little fellow in our backyard hunting for prey. This Eastern Screech owl (megascops Asio) was about 8 inches tall (typical is 8-10 inches). He stood his ground even when I approached to take this photo (55mm lens, so I was only 7-8 feet away).  Img 62284


Osprey on Burnet Bay, Mar 2, 2015

The osprey has returned to Burnet Bay for some fishing and decided to eat the catch of the day on one of the pilings on our pier. Managed to catch an image of the wings spread as the osprey was repositioning on top of the piling- Img 46714 Osprey1



Osprey on Burnet Bay, Mar 2, 2015

The osprey has returned to Burnet Bay. Caught a nice fish and decided to eat on one of the pilings on our pier.    Img 46708 Osprey


White Pelican Return – Feb-Mar 2014

White Pelicans  are cruising Burnet Bay looking for a school of small fish to scoop up. The sea gulls flying above are just trying to steal something.    Img 38262



White Pelican Return – Feb – Mar 2014

White Pelicans return to Burnet Bay to feast on small fish. This happens often in Feb-Mar. The birds with their beaks in the water are scooping up fish. The birds with their beaks pointing up are swallowing their catch. The sea gulls flying above are just trying to steal something. – Img 38226


Fort Worth Japanese Gardens – June 8, 2014

This squirrel cannot read the sign on the koi food pellet dispensing machine at the Fort Worth Japanese Gardens. He was able to get leftover pellets from the machine and keep the other squirrels away – Img 40461

Categories: Other


  1. They are such beautiful birds. I watch them often on Tampa Bay. I have some photos of one hauling his large fish up on a rock in the bay and smacking it so it will die and stop flipping around so he can eat it. There is a website on the Nature Conservancy site where you can watch a web cam on a nest in Wolf Bay, Alabama. Hope all is well with you. (“Osprey on Burnet Bay, Mar 2, 2015” photo)

  2. Randy, while I should be commenting on the Osprey(great shot) I decided to frame the larger context: Sharing an amazing life on an amazing world!! Also wanted you to know that I still look and enjoy your beautiful work!! (“Osprey on Burnet Bay, Mar 2, 2015” photo)

  3. Beautiful picture (“Eastern Screech Owl, Dec 2016” photo)

  4. How cool that you were able to get so close! (“Eastern Screech Owl, Dec 2016” photo)

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