Lake Tahoe from Picnic Rock – July 10, 2016
View of Lake Tahoe looking south from Picnic Rock (off the Tahoe Rim Trail). Lake Tahoe is 22 miles long by 12 mile across and an maximum of 1645ft deep. The lake is the 2nd deepest in the USA and the 11th in the world. The depth and the clear water provide the deep blue color. Img 58870 Picnicrock
Marsh Marigold – Tahoe Meadow – July 8, 2016
Found many Marsh Marigolds (caltha leptosepepala) in the wet areas of Tahoe Meadows near the Mt Rose Pass. Img 58791 Marshmarigold
Tahoe Meadow, July 8, 2016
View across the Tahoe Meadow with Elephants Head (pedicularis groenlandica) in the foreground. The petals of flower look like small pink elephant heads, trunks, ears, and all. Img 58827 Elephanthead Tahoemeadow
Spreading Phlox – Tahoe Meadow, July 8, 2016
This Spreading Phlox (phlox diffusa) is partly white and partly purple because as the flowers are pollinated, they change to purple. This is thought to help direct pollinators toward the flowers that need pollination. Img 58805 Spreadingphlox
Tahoe Meadows – July 8, 2016
View across Tahoe Meadows with Sierra Penstemon (penstemon heterodoxus) in the foreground. Img 58853 Meadowpenstemon
Page Meadow, Tahoe – July 11, 2016
In previous years, Page meadow was dry but this year it was wet from all the winters snow. Found different flowers because of the wet conditions. Img 58909 Pagemeadow
Blackwood Creek, July 11, 2016
Found this small waterfall on Blackwood creek near Barker Pass above Lake Tahoe. Img 59010 Blackwoodcreek
Lupine at Barker Pass, July 11, 2016
Not sure the variety of lupine (about 70 species in CA) but there was plenty this year. Img 59048 Barkerpassrd
Secret Cove, Lake Tahoe – July 13, 2016
A group of people on Kayaks visiting Secret Cove on the east shore of Lake Tahoe. Img 59132 Secretcove
Creek Beach, Lake Tahoe – July 13, 2016
We hiked down to Creek Beach on the east shore of Lake Tahoe and had it mostly to ourselves for a while before people started coming in for the day. There is a small creek coming into the lake on the south end that gives the beach it’s name. Img 59087 Creekbeach
Tahoe Rim Trail Workday – July 16, 2016
I (Randy) worked on the Chickadee Ridge reroute for the Tahoe Rim Trail. I helped a ground of experienced guys dislodge a boulder that was in the way of the new trail using a griphoist to pull the boulder out, then sledge hammers to break half of it up to fill the hole. Img 59133 1679i
Slender Penstemon – July 17, 2016
A line of Slender Penstemon (penstemon gracilentis) along the Tahoe Rim Trail -Img 59147 Trt Slenderpenstemon
Truckee Farmers Market, July 19, 2016
Karin was not the only person checking out the peaches at the Truckee Farmers market. Img 59297 Truckeefarmersmarket
Karin and Lupine near Winnemucca Lake, July 20, 2016
The wild flowers were really nice along the Pacific Coast Trail from Carson Pass and out to Winnemucca Lake and Round Top Lake. Img 59316 Winnemucca
Snow Near Round Top Lake – July 20, 2016
Randy checking out the snow on the way up to Round top Lake. Img 59364 Roundtop
Karin overlooking Winnemucca Lake – July 20, 2016
Karin taking a break overlooking Winnemucca Lake. Img 59498 Winnemucca
Karin and Flowers at Winnemucca – July 20, 2016
Many, many flowers around the streams out of Winnemucca Lake. Img 59511 Winnemucca
Western Blue Flax – July 22, 2016
Found this bee working the Western Blue Flax (linum lewisii) along the Tahoe Rim Trail from Mt Rose to Galena Falls. When we passed back through on the way out the flowers had all closed up. Img 59557 Westernblueflax Trt
Karin and Lupine, July 22, 2016
The Many Leaf Lupine (lupinus polyphyllus) blooming well on the trail to the meadow above Galena Falls off the Tahoe Rim trail – Img 59603 Galenafalls
Lower Echo Lake, July 25, 2015
We hiked the Tahoe Rim Trail along Lower and Upper Echo Lakes and then took a water taxi back. We had an ice cream at the general store at the south end of the lake and saw Mark and Allie, the British couple that we met on the other side of Lake Tahoe and had been backpacking on the Tahoe Rim Trail for 8 days. We helped them pick up a supply package that was at a Post Office about 10 miles away. Img 59684 Echolaketrt
Desolation Wilderness, July 27, 2016
For my quest to complete the entire 156 mile Tahoe Rim Trail, I completed the Barker Pass to Tahoe City segment this year (16.7 mile day hike this time – I now have 60 miles completed). This segment had minimal views of Lake Tahoe which was OK because the smoke from the Big Sur fires had created a thick haze over the lake. Instead, I had views of the mountains of the Desolation wilderness and the Granite Wilderness. Still a bit hazy – Img 59791 Desolationwilderness
Tahoe House Bakery, July 31, 2016
We did not hike all the time – Karin and I enjoyed eating croissants at the Tahoe House Bakery in the cool weather – Img 59930tahoehousebakery
Rubicon Trail – July 31, 2016
The hazy sky from the Big Sur fires as seen from the Rubicon trail on the west shore of Lake Tahoe – Img 59954 Rubicon
Creek Beach, Lake Tahoe, Aug 3, 2016
View down Creek Beach on Lake Tahoe. This beach is about a 2 mile hike but most of the visitors come in by boat. Almost no one there when we arrived but had 8 boat loads of people when we left. Img 60049 Creekbeach
Karin at Creek Beach, Aug 3, 2016 Img 60083 Creekbeach
Five Lakes, August 4, 2016
Our last Tahoe hike of the year was to Five Lakes near Squaw Valley. This trail climbs 1000ft in 2.2 miles to a series of 5 small lakes. Img 60093 5lakes
Links to more Tahoe photo:
Oh that water is so beautiful & looks so refreshing. R u two doing any kayaking??? Now having taken advantage of your last year’s invite I can personally comment on how breath taking the scenery is up there & so cooooooolllll. Hope you both are having a fab time drinking red wine & eating chocolate yummmmm (“Secret Cove, Lake Tahoe – July 13, 2016” photo)